Teaching is a very rewarding profession but it has its stressful
elements too. Inspections, assessments, reports, workshops are all
potentially stressful areas. The purpose of the present study was to
measure the stress of Elementary teachers. The questionnaire was
consisted on different sections; the factors of stress for the teachers,
effects of stress and techinques which are used by the teachers to
relieve their stress. After the analysis of data, results showed that
the stress factor decreased the teachers' efficiency. The most stressful
item for the teachers was students' less attention in English
learning.The other causes were pronunciation and grammar problems, lack
of vocabulary, lesson plannig, work sheets and training etc. The most
common effects of stress on teachers were 'fast heart beat', 'headache'
and 'exhausted' respectively. Stress relief items used by the teachers
were 'saying prayer', 'reading newspapers' and 'talking to friends &
family members' respectively. Stress should be decreased with proper
guidance, training, workshops relating English teaching, disciplines and
full attention of the teachers to English language and their profession.