It is a story covering 395 million years, a story told with a walrus
skull and fossils, tourmaline and spear points, mammoth tusks and bone
fishhooks, Norse coins and caulking irons, militia flags and survey
stakes, treaty documents and wooden tankards, a temperance banner and a
locomotive, Joshua Chamberlain's pistol and a cod tub trawl, a Lombard
log hauler and a woman's WWII welding outfit, L. L. Bean boots and
German POW snowshoes, and many more objects from the museum's
collections. Short narratives written by museum curators are woven
around each item--including photos of related objects--and the ensemble
has been honed, polished, and introduced by museum director Bernard
Fishman. This is a book that historians and Maine residents and visitors
will delve into again and again, unearthing new treasures with each