This book shows what psychosynthesis looks like in the empirical
practice of psychotherapy. Originally conceived by Italian psychiatrist
Robert Assagioli, psychosynthesis is one of the first Western
psychologies that addresses both spiritual and psychological healing and
growth through self-realization. In effect, it offers an approach to
psychotherapy founded in altruistic love, and the nurturing that
supports the innate drive within human beings to embrace and actualize
the whole of who they are. Authors John Firman and Ann Gila include
experientially based models and theory, case studies from both the
client and therapist perspectives, and an invitation for both the
professional and the layperson to the self-reflection, inner work, and
commitment necessary to love and work at this depth. After an overview
of the fundamentals of psychosynthesis theory, the authors explore how a
therapist's own embrace of these ideas can foster an altruistic,
empathetic love that supports and improves therapist-client rapport and