A history of the University of Rochester Medical Center's Developmental
and Behavioral Pediatrics Division from its inception in 1947 through
The field of intellectual and developmental disabilities has evolved
dramatically from the end of the nineteenth century, changing from
dehumanizing institutional care to community-based services and
supports. The University of Rochester Medical Center's response to
community needs in this field began in 1947. This book describes the
history of its Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics,
written by the only two chiefs the division has had. The narrative
traces the first effort to provide diagnostic service to parents of
affected children and describes the emergence of a full program of
interdisciplinary services, education of future leaders, community-based
consultation, and research. It shows how the division's growth was
molded by changing needs in the region and the world. It also tells the
story of how a multidisciplinary program can emerge and thrive in a
research-oriented medical center and serve as a bridge between a
university and its community partners. Finally, it underscores the
time-consuming process of program development, including building trust,
acquiring needed resources, and maintaining the highest quality of
programming during both good and difficult times.