Contained within this antiquarian volume is a detailed treatise on
keeping poultry, including information on turkeys, chickens, geese,
housing, health, and many other accepts of poultry keeping. This
thorough guide contains a wealth of information that will be of much
value to poultry-keepers and anyone with an interest in poultry in
general. Although old, much of the information contained herein is
timeless, making this text both a handy guide for modern readers and
worthy addition to collections of such literature. The chapters of this
book include: 'Origin of the Domestic Fowl', 'The Domestic Fowl and its
Varieties', 'The Hamburg', 'Dorking', 'Game Fowl', 'Spanish', 'Polish',
'Cochin-China', 'Malay', 'Bantams', 'Rumples', 'Silky', 'Scotch Bakies',
'Bolton Greys', 'Paris Show', etcetera. We are proudly republishing this
book now complete with a new introduction on poultry farming.