It's 2060. Western civilisation crumbled decades ago. A new and
mysterious power controls what's left of the world - the Mandat
Culturel. It came into being when the Earth was first contacted by
aliens and it controls access to advanced technology. All that remains
of the once mighty United States is the Petits États, centred on New
England. Outside of there, civilisation survives in enclaves. The
confederation of Sioux Nations, headed up by Wahchinksapa, a former
intelligence operative, keeps the Mandat Culturel at bay. Triste is a
bounty hunter with all the latest ordnance. He works the ruined cities,
especially the former urban area of New York, now known as FUA 1. When
the cities were abandoned, a lot of loot was left behind - his contracts
are dangerous but they pay well. Creatures older than humanity watch
over all. These are Star Beings, aloof and unsympathetic to human
affairs. They have a plan.