The Valco S. Paolo site may be regarded as representative of the main
Tiber valley in the urban area of Rome, which is located 2 km south of
the city center. In recent years, as per level, temperature and
electrical conductivity measurements conducted in gravel and sand
aquifers have notable variations. For this purpose, heads observed from
15 piezometers and physical characteristic data of sand and gravel
aquifers were monitored in 5 piezometers in the Tiber river by
dataloggers during 4 months and integrated with available geological and
hydrogeological information to develop a conceptual model of the system.
These fundamental information are required to characterize the existing
groundwater system in this area in order to establish a groundwater flow
model. The validation of the conceptual model by a steady-state
numerical groundwater flow model reveals that minimum change occur in
the center. Trial and Error calibration method has been applied to this
model. The calibrated model had been used to simulate a different set of
field measurements and the verification showed a good degree of