"Work-at-home dad, devoted husband, hustling freelance writer, aspiring
screenwriter--all ways to describe the unwilling sleuth Aaron Tucker,
whom one reviewer dubbed a combination of ""Bart Simpson and James
Bond"". In A Farewell to Legs, the second installment of the Aaron
Tucker Mystery Series, Aaron is back on the trail again, this time
trying to ferret out the murderer of a former high school classmate, a
D.C. lobbyist whose enemies finally stick it to him, literally--with a
six-inch steak knife. The deceased leaves behind a bombshell of a widow,
a secret bankroll of $13 million, and a cloud of political controversy,
all of which lead Aaron to a barrel of red herrings.But in the life of
Aaron Tucker, one mystery is never enough (though he'd be quick to tell
you otherwise). He's also been delegated the odious task of tracking
down Buzbee School's secret stink-bomber. And, much to Aaron's
consternation, his wife, the beautiful attorney Abby Stein, is being
stalked by a former client. All in a day's work for the diminutive
freelance writer, who, as procrastinator extraordinaire, would rather be
doing anything but investigating."