A charming and heartfelt picture book that's a great way to start a
conversation about anxiety and mental health with readers a few
generations old or fresh off the assembly line!
Meet 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 . . . Or Pi, for short.
Pi's just like any other kid robot: They love to listen to music, play
with their dog, and hang out with their friends. And when their teacher
announces a field trip to Olde Silicon Valley, Pi couldn't be more
excited! They daydream of all the awesome things they want to see and do
there--but also begin to worry about all the things that could go wrong
. . . Then, on the way home, Pi feels a ZAP! They try to avoid the
strange feeling, but the Zaps keep happening. Pi doesn't understand.
They have a firewall installed! What could be going on?
A tale with equal parts humor and heart, A Case of the Zaps is a great
way to begin talking about mental health and anxiety for readers of all