Outdoors is a great space to enhance and extend children's learning.
There are lots of children who have a natural affinity with the outdoors
and use it as their preferred learning space. As adults supporting
children's learning, it is important to support the investigation of
their outdoor environment, but also that learning is taken into those
spaces and delivered to children in the most engaging way that it can
be. What you can (almost) always guarantee is children's enthusiasm to
take their learning outdoors, what you can't always guarantee is the
weather!In 50 Fantastic Ideas for Outdoor All Year Round Alistair has
created 50 ideas that will get children and practitioners outside and
learning come rain, snow, wind or sunshine! All of the activities have
got their own central skill that can then be adapted to fit the
interests of the children or each setting's own particular outdoor
environment.So, whether your setting's outdoor space is a back garden, a
small yard or large playground there will be activities that can be used
and that will inspire young learners.