The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, BusinessWeek, and USA
Today Business Bestseller!
From the publisher of Investor's Business Daily and best-selling
author of How to Make Money in Stocks, comes the National Bestseller,
24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success, two dozen of the most
important lessons for investors. In this one accessible guide, William
J. O'Neil puts his popular and easy-to-follow techniques for building a
profitable portfolio firmaly in the hands of investors--and the goal of
long-term financial security easily within their reach.
24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success is based upon the closely
followed "26 Weeks to Investment Success" editorials that appear in
Investor's Business Daily. Edited and updated, O'Neil's timeless
advice encapsulates such investing nuggets as buy high and sell higher
to making a million in mutual funds. Concentrate your investments in a
few areas, know them well, and watch them carefully.
Don't just rely upon PE ratios and other common technical tools. Learn
to use Relative Price Strength to help you choose stocks. O'Neil's
cautionary yet pro-active advice has helped to make Investor's Business
Daily one of America's fastest growing and most respected newspapers.
Now investor's can benefit from his timeless words of wisdom, collected
in one easy-to-use resource.