In 1968, Stanley Kubrick completed and released his magnum opus motion
picture 2001: A Space Odyssey; a time that was also tremendously
important in the formation of the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques
Lacan. Bringing these figures together, Bristow offers a study that goes
beyond, as the film did. He extends Lacan's late topological insights,
delves into conceptualisations of desire, in G. W. F. Hegel, Alexandre
Kojève, and Lacan himself, and deals with the major themes of cuts
(filmic and psychoanalytic); space; silence; surreality; and 'das
Ding', in relation to the movie's enigmatic monolith. This book is a
tour de force of psychoanalytic theory and space odyssey that will
appeal to academics and practitioners of psychoanalysis and film
studies, as well as to any fan of Kubrick's work.