Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects an estimated 50 million
Americans and is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease, the
leading cause of death in the United States. Through proper management
the effects of hypertension can be minimized. Dr. William Manger's 101
Questions & Answers About Hypertension is a comprehensive Q&A format
book providing the reader all the information they need to help manage
hypertension and prevent its often lethal effects.
101 Questions & Answers About Hypertension answers all the most
important questions about hypertension and its relationship to other
diseases, from hypothyroidism and Alzheimer's to arteriosclerosis and
preeclampsia, among others. It also has suggestions for positive
lifestyle changes as well as information on alternative and traditional
treatment options and questions related to change of life and the
effectiveness of blood pressure machines in pharmacies, shopping malls,
Question 8 addresses the enormous magnitude of hypertension in the
United States. Hypertension is a precursor to stroke and cardiovascular
disease. Cardiovascular disease kills nearly 1 million Americans every
year and cripples and disables the same; it's also responsible for more
than 52 million lost workdays. In addition, every year more than
one-million people suffer heart attacks and 600,000 suffer strokes, a
large percentage of both proving fatal. However, Dr. Manger is convinced
these statistics can be reduced.
Inspired by the decrease in the incidence of heart attack and stroke,
Manger saw that with improved medical management and healthy lifestyle
changes, hypertension could be controlled and its complications
minimized or prevented. He believes a close patient-doctor relationship
and a clear understanding of what hypertension is and how to manage it
is essential for bringing it under control and minimizing the risk of
further health complications.
Even though Manger is positive overall about statistics, still there is
room for improvement: nearly 30% of people suffering from hypertension
go undiagnosed and only 27% of the 50 million people with this condition
have their blood pressure under control. 101 Questions & Answers About
Hypertension seeks to reduce the statistical gap by giving readers a
comprehensive understanding of hypertension so they are able to
knowledgeably communicate with their doctors and make informed decisions
and choices to improve their health and reduce health risk.