Make your own Insta-face mask, whether or not you post a pic of yourself
wearing one. Masks-- especially one- use sheet masks-- are the latest
craze to sweep the beauty industry and a fun addition to any skin- care
routine. But the costs add up and the ingredient lists are often riddled
with parabens and preservatives. (Think of the environment, too, with
all that packaging!) Here are 101 recipes that are easy to make and
often use only a few ingredients. There's a remedy for any skin woe--
from dull, dry skin to large pores. Recipes include:
- Egg White Tight and Bright Sheet Mask
- Coconut Glam Glow Sheet Mask
- Clarifying Matcha Sheet Mask
- Activated Charcoal Deep Cleansing Sheet Mask
With instructions for re-usable, green-friendly, DIY cloth face sheets.