Here are 100 beautiful orchids that you can grow in Florida.
These orchids were chosen for their beauty, ease of cultivation, and
suitability to Florida's climate. Whether you are an old hand at growing
orchids or are a beginner anxious to try it, you will find help here
choosing the plants that will work for you, as well as help on how best
to make them prosper.
First you will learn about the structure of orchids; how they are named;
and how to pot, water, feed, ventilate, and protect them from weather
and insects. You will find you can grow them inside and outside in
Florida, and some even in the ground as part of the landscape. Then you
will be introduced to 100 fabulous orchids that are well-suited to
Florida. You'll find answers to commonly asked questions, lists of
suppliers, and a handy reference chart to plant size, flower color,
bloom size, bloom time, and exposure.