What are the effects on an isolated region when an entirely new and
major energy resource is developed to commercial proportions? What
happens to the population, the economy, the environment, the community,
and societal relations? How does the government frame- work respond, the
family structure adapt, the economy expand, and life styles change under
the impact of new forces which hold a prom- ise of much benefit and a
risk of adverse consequences? Imperial County, California, has a
population of less than 90,000 people. This population has been
exceptionally stable for years, cen- tered as it is in an agricultural
and recreational framework. The county is somewhat cut off from other
areas by geographic barriers of moun'" tains and desert, by state and
natural boundaries, and is the most remote of all 58 counties of
California from the state capitol, Sacra- mento. In the decade of the
1950s, geographical explorations for oil re- vealed some anomalous
structures underlying the desert and agricul- tural areas in Imperial
County. These, when drilled, seemed to be oil- less and hot, and so
lacked attractiveness to petroleum wildcatters. In the decade of the
1960s, Dr.