Every civilization has created its tales of cataclysm or apocalypse. We
are perhaps the first generation, which by deliberate actions could
create our own doom. It's no great stretch of the imagination that
humans might disappear from the face of the earth. Still, the instinct
to survive is a powerful force and there probably would be some who
would indeed make it. Within hours after the unexplained apocalypse
unveiled in Minerva's Shield, lights would start going out around the
country. More than 70%% of power in the United States alone is generated
by the burning of fossil fuels. These power plants would only continue
to produce electricity as long as the fuel takes to be consumed. As
discovered during the journey outlined in Nike's Chariot, if there is no
one around to provide the new fuel into the generating plants, then it
will be quite quick before the lights blink off everywhere.